About us

ICE Hub - Our Origins, Foundations And Group

ICE Hub is an initiative of TL First Integrated Management Group a leading global consulting group of transformational leadership, strategy, productivity & improvement, and innovation consultants with over 35 years of experience in delivering organizational transformation, leadership, economic development, youth empowerment and civil society development across communities, across governments, across businesses and across the world.

ICE Hub was seed-funded by its UK sister operations, TL First to provide Business innovations, Acceleration & consultancy, Civil society and Socio-Economic Development, Idea Development, Institutional ICE units and capacity-building services to the Nigerian market. The Group has existed for over 35 years delivering organisational transformation, leadership development & mentorship, NGO/ Support Alliance, and Youth-Women empowerment for Governments and Businesses across the world.

We are a registered limited liability Company chaired by Dr Olu Olasode FCCA with a management board based in Abuja Nigeria.

We remain one of the very few indigenous Nigerian companies to have international recognition and compete successfully with leading global brands in Nigeria and abroad. We also hold registered trademarks/patents in Nigeria and across Europe for our intellectual products, technical innovation and strategy toolkits: Delivering Tomorrow, Today®, and Transformational Leadership.


Trusted by the world’s best organizations, for delivering organizational transformation, leadership, and economic development, across governments, across businesses and across the world.


TLFirst Executive Education

We deliver organisational transformation and management development programmes across governments and businesses and compete favorably with leading international brands. We support and build leaders of today as builders of tomorrow.

TLFirst Accountants

As experts in business financial management, accounting, and tax consultancy. We enable organisations to achieve significant improvements in their numbers. We specialize in supporting individual investors, small businesses, social enterprises, not-for-profit and large corporations to stay ahead of the curve.

TLFirst Development

We are committed to generating solutions that support international development, public finance management, efficient service delivery, citizens’ participation, accountancy and transparency in governance.

TLFirst Management Consulting

TL First Consulting provides the best possible partnership that adds value to the delivery of corporate visions. We have a vast range of top-quality consultants and practitioners who provide the highest quality of technical, management, strategic and delivery expertise to our clients.

TLFirst Innovation (ICEHub)

Our Innovation Change and Entrepreneurship (ICE) Hub promotes sustainable social and economic development through innovation, change, and entrepreneurship, involving cross-sector collaboration, knowledge exchange, business incubation, acceleration, capacity building and provision of facilities.

TLFirst ToolKits

We have a range of bespoke toolkits, frame works and technical models to enhance the work leaders and managers. These were developed by Our Faculties based on their global experience and Co-produced with our clients


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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)